Friday, July 25, 2008

Baby Wearing~

As you all know by now I own a very cool (IMHO) online store.  My store (Organic Monsters) sells baby slings and carriers as well as some other fun stuff.  To be honest I am not selling as many of these as I would have thought?  I really thought more moms and dads were hip to baby wearing these days but maybe not?
I myself wore my daughter and still do actually and I think it is a great way to promote bonding and security as our little ones are figuring out how this crazy overwhelming world works.  It also allowed my husband a chance to bond with our daughter while I was breast feeding.
What are your thoughts on this? Is baby wearing the new "thing" or do people still have the impression that is for hippies only?
I have no idea how I would have survived the first two years of her life if I could not just strap her on my hip or back while I went about my day to day business! 

1 comment:

The Mommy said...

I tried Hotslings and had a difficult time finding the right fit, I tried size, 2, 3, & 4 and DD head/neck always seems to be smashed into her chest. I instead used the Infantino front carrier, it was simpler for me-just strapped her on.