Friday, July 11, 2008


Well I talked to the Trademark lawyer today-and everything is good to go!
The issue of my using the word "organic" was that I had to make a disclaimer that I could not have exclusive rights to the word and of course that makes sense.
I am so thrilled that I can cross this off my list of "To-Do's"
Now my next challenge is the upcoming weekend where I will be home alone with the daughter-what to do, what to do?
Like most moms, my daughter and I spend a good deal of time at the store as I am always forgetting something!
This weekend though I am on a quest to find some good recipes for veggies.  I have to admit I suck at making them and to make veggies that a 2 year old and my husband and I can eat is more difficult I think then it needs to be! So I am out to change that this weekend.
Wish my luck and please share any ideas about making a good veggie dish that you have!  I am so eager to know!

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