Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Today is the first day...

....I have decided to do this whole blogging thing :)  Don't get me wrong I think blogs are a great way for folks to express themselves and I guess I want to get in on the action!....and of course talk about what I am doing in my life to propel it forward.
I am a mom, wife and entrepreneur.  I just started my own business selling organic/natural products online.  I started Organic Monsters because I was SICK TO DEATH!! of running around from store to store trying to find the products I needed for my family.  I have a 2 year old, a husband and 5 animals..that is a lot of beings to shop for!  I also had a full time job at the time of all this running around! 
My inner monster or voice as some like to call it, was screaming for something new!  I kept asking myself is this it?? Is this my life? Running around like a crazy person trying to find all the things I need (and really needed this was not pleasure shopping), going to work, coming home, taking care of my daughter, spending time with hubby, trying so hard to spend time with my furry monsters and then sleeping and doing the same crap the next day?? 
Well, I wanted more so I decided that the one thing I knew was products! I have been a vegetarian for 15 years, and have tried my darnedest to tread lightly on the earth by being conscience of what I buy before it was cool to be "green" :)  I have used so many products, some were awesome some not so much.  I have listened to other moms tell me what they love and what they hate and I really believe that the products I have selected are the most trusted and most used by families.  I am always open for suggestion and will always let others give my their insights into what they need, hate or love.
That is why it was so hard for me to get the stuff I needed, there was not ONE SINGLE store (not even the almighty Whole Foods) that had it all for me.
Plus some of the stores I did go to I felt like I was some sort of second class citizen because I did not wear my fancy clothes and high heels to do GROCERIES!  
That is why I started my own company. I want to bring the joy of living organically and meat free to the masses.  I want to make it simple and easy and not rape people out of their money. It is a lot of work and it is a work in progress.  
I wanted to start this blog as a way to share what it takes to move from working for someone else to doing it for yourself while raising a child and having a good marriage AND a life!
I am not perfect and I will stumble I am sure along the way.  I hope you will take this journey with me and share and discuss with me your thoughts on motherhood, fatherhood, working for others, working for yourself and what it means to live consciously!

1 comment:

Toxic World Blog said...

Best of luck with your new business.