Thursday, July 10, 2008

The agenda for today

I have been waiting three months to hear about my pending trademark application.  I think my logo and tag line are really cool and I want to make sure I get to keep them forever.  I mean right now no one really cares about me and my logo but business is picking up and I am striving to keep the growth of my business on the up and up.  So I want to ensure that 3 years down the line when people have taken notice in a big way (fingers crossed!) that everything I have worked for will not be taken because I forgot to legally make the name "Organic Monsters" my name legally.
I get a call from the attorney at the Patent and Trade office who tell me there is a problem, he was super nice but is of course on vacation now so I have to wait a week to fix this and I hate to wait!!
Then I get an email about the problem. It seems using the word "organic" is in question because the FDA has specific criteria of who can use that word to label something for sale.  "Hello are you kidding me??" I am not selling organically grown monsters-the word monster refers to the kids-cuz if you have any you will know that sometimes they are so sweet and great and then you turn around and see that a monster has taken over your child!  The word also refers to the animals we share our lives with, so the word, to me, has more then one meaning.
The word organic in front of it means that there are parents (of the furry and non furry variety) who do not want their "monsters" to grow up filled with chemicals and crap that regular food and products has to offer. They want their kids to grow up organically and as close to the way mother earth intended.  Everything on my site is organic or made from organic or recycled hopefully this will not be an issue.
It is just one more thing I have to deal with! and it kinda sucks that I have to wait to fix it!

Today my daughter is home from daycare so I do not get much work done on the days that she is home.  I get up way early on these days before she gets up to take care of the animals and then nap time is work time.  I do sneak in moments when she is happily playing alone to run to the computer but other then that I have little time to spend on OM.  My husband will be home all day today though so that will certainly help!

I left my job in the non-profit world to spend more time with my babe and to try and create the life I always wanted and knew I could be successful at.  I wanted to take her to those goofy kiddie classes I hear other moms talk about.  Today is one of those days we get to go to a kiddie class--however this one is not goofy. Its Music Together and she started going right when I left my job and the new "semester" starts today.  Its only 45 minutes so it doesn't bother me too much with being long and she loves it--so I hope this class will be as good as the last one.
I also hope to meet some new moms in the process as well.

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