Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Preschool at the age of 2???!!!

Yes my friends it is true I am going to put my daughter into preschool and she is only 2 years that weird?  As a mom I think she is 100% ready for a more formal educational type of setting that goes above and beyond a daycare or a babysitter.  My wee one will sit down with a book and "read" it to me or to herself all day long! Of course she sounds like this "Blah blah blah blah" but she thinks she is reading :) and love loves loves her books!
She is also very inquisitive, as I guess all kids are, but to me there is something special going on with her and she really seems to be ready to at least attempt to learn more than I or my husband can teach her.  
Is that odd?
Am I fooling myself?
Every parent thinks their kid is special right?
Regardless of your answers of mine and regardless if I get those looks like I am nuts-I think it certainly can not hurt and I really do not see the harm...except to the wallet!
We joined a Co-Op preschool which is where the parents have a big hand in the classroom and play active roles in the school to ensure its continued success.  Of course I pick a school that I need to commit a lot of time too when my time between the business and the home are already far stretched, I guess I love the pain of no time and little sleep:)

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read "Every mom is a working mom" and I wanted to stand up and cheer!! At that moment I was feeling very overwhelmed with life in general and I really needed my imaginary assistant to come and help me because it was one of those days that I felt very.....well.....spent, I was DONE.  We all have had those days where we are holding on by a loose very fragile string-and that was my day!  The bumper sticker brought the point home that being a mom is HARD--so much harder then I could have ever imagined.  Regardless if you work at home as a stay at home mom or you work outside the home or if your like me and work AT home as a working mom/stay at home will suck eventually at some point even if it lasts for only a moment.  
I find it ironic that at the point that I was having a killer day I see this sticker that made me just think "yeah its hard, and yes some days you just want to take a bath and lock the door and never come out :) but it's your life, you created it, you created life and really--that is pretty cool!  Mom's are awesome people and we all work hard (dad's are great too but I am not a dad so I can not speak from that perspective).
The only problem is to take too much on e.g co-op preschools :) but hey my daughter is only in preschool for so long..with a little TM (time management) I will "make it "work" and really that is all we can ever do.


Live.Love.Eat said...

Hey there, thanks for stopping by! My 4yo has been in a preschool for a few years. He started there in daycare & then went into their pre-k classes & it's been the best thing for him developing social skills & doing all the crafts we've yet to do at home. He actually graduates this coming year & will then go on to a new school!

Brenda said...

Okay good! That is what I thought too :) So I am not crazy!! :)