The manufactures of SIGG are really turning to, to keep up with the demand. I am very happy that this new "green" movement is becoming more mainstream. Of course, as some of you may know, this movement has been movin' for a long time and a lot of us in the movement (before it went mainstream) got looked at like we were some kind of "hippy freaks" who were out of touch with reality by questioning the environmental practices going in the world and being pro-active by making sure the products we purchase did no harm to the environment. But alas, the world is finally realizing that we are not hippy freaks we just care about the planet as its the only home we have and we want it to there something wrong with that?
Interactive Map of Current and Proposed Pipelines
11 years ago
Yeah all the HIP MOMS are carrying SIGG BOTTLES here! Since my son was 6 months old....we had to change alot of things for him. HE has food allergies and eczema. SO organic, Goat milk and antibotic free foods have been a part of my world. I would have to drive all over the place but now things are getting so much better with the whole green movement.
What do you feel about California Baby products? Sunscreen for kids here in the south is a big deal and California baby was one that did not break out my child. I check out your web page....I noticed you are caring Annies! OUR FOOD Lion, Publix an Kroger have started their GREEN aisles with these products. YOU should blog about some of your favorite ORGANIC foods, baby items...or make a lits...I would love to see how it compares to what I already buy.
OK enough stalking for one day. ALSO you should join SECRETS in the SAUCE...lots of great is fun. OOO and post some of your recpies....there is a site for recipies...over at secrets in the sauce.
Thanks for posting! I actually am going to start a little thing on here for recipes cuz lord knows most moms need help from time to time! I love to cook and as a vegetarian it can be a bit difficult to navigate it all!
I sell a lot of Annie's because I have found that most kids like them and they are easy to grab and go~
However I am always adding more things as I grow and am ALWAYS looking to you guys for suggestions~
visited your site - GREAT! My husband and I are proud parents of 4 organic monsters (7,5,3,2) and are about to launch a reusable safe recyclable plastic bottle with a twist! Our kids and their friends love it. Anyway, I saw the blog on SIGG and wondered 1) approx. how many do you sell per month? 2) would you be interested in testing/carrying our product I know you will love it. thanks for your time Jennifer Crowder
I sell ALOT of SIGG's!! I know there is actually an online store that sells all SIGGS and at first I as like "Can they really do THAT much business?" but um ya they can :)
I sell on average 10-20 a week--keep in mind though I have only been open since May--so that number is likely to increase (I hope!)
and sure I would love to test your products out.
You or anyone with business related stuff can always email me at
Thanks for checking us out!
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