Friday, August 15, 2008

What to sell and what to cook for dinner?

You know I think anyone with kids can be a business owner :) It is not just for the hip, young single people with ample time on their hands and expendable incomes.  Once you have a child your reality shifts and you become pre-occupied with food preparation, growth charts, poop and pee (come on I am not the only one!) With that comes the what am I going to cook tonight brainstorm that typically has me crying with the fridge door open because I have EVERY single ingredient except that one dang onion that I REALLY need for my dinner! Of course I had it on  my list but when I was at the store I was trying to stop my daughter from knocking over the toilet paper display (yes I am serious!).
So life most days for me (maybe not for you, perhaps you have it together) is a series of what do I do's?  What do I sell at my store?  What do I charge for it?  What do I think my customers will think of these items?  What do I have to gain by adding this item? What do I have to lose? What do I make my daughter since she hates everything I make today but not tomorrow? What do I cook my husband that tastes good re-heated? (he is in the Coast Guard and works wacko hours) What do I cook that is tasty and healthy AND vegetarian since I am still trying to lose that last 15 pounds of baby weight etc. etc.
It really is all a big ole guess all be it an educated one but none the less a big ole guessing game that is played every day, so I guess I will just keep on keeping on and hope my choices are the right ones!
If anyone reading this has any suggestions on how to make a good guess you just let me know :)

1 comment:

Rainbow said...

Hi angel, so get some eggroll wraps,fill with beans and cheese,deep fry (real healthy) serve w/ salsa and sour cream