Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Neat Educational Toy for Kids!

A friend of mine was working closely with this new company that made these really cool toys for kids.  They are made from organic cotton and hand made-so each one is slightly different from the next.  I was lucky enough to be able to get on board with these great toys.
The toy is called an idbid, as in iddy biddy steps to help the earth add up to a lot :)
These toys come in three characters a rain drop, a flower and a cloud.  They simply are precious.  I think I love them so much because I know that when you are trying to teach a child why you need to recycle or why you don't litter or why you need to turn the water off when you brush your teeth-you can sometimes become a nag :) and you don't want that!!
These toys take the child who owns them on an adventure with a little journey book and carrying case to teach your child in a fun way all the things, we as parents, try to teach them.
I am sure they will do well and people will love them.  It is nice to get away from plastic bulky toys that offer no educational value what so ever.  Our kids our smart and love to learn AND play and now with these toys they can do all three.
Check them out-any thoughts??

Friday, August 15, 2008

What to sell and what to cook for dinner?

You know I think anyone with kids can be a business owner :) It is not just for the hip, young single people with ample time on their hands and expendable incomes.  Once you have a child your reality shifts and you become pre-occupied with food preparation, growth charts, poop and pee (come on I am not the only one!) With that comes the what am I going to cook tonight brainstorm that typically has me crying with the fridge door open because I have EVERY single ingredient except that one dang onion that I REALLY need for my dinner! Of course I had it on  my list but when I was at the store I was trying to stop my daughter from knocking over the toilet paper display (yes I am serious!).
So life most days for me (maybe not for you, perhaps you have it together) is a series of what do I do's?  What do I sell at my store?  What do I charge for it?  What do I think my customers will think of these items?  What do I have to gain by adding this item? What do I have to lose? What do I make my daughter since she hates everything I make today but not tomorrow? What do I cook my husband that tastes good re-heated? (he is in the Coast Guard and works wacko hours) What do I cook that is tasty and healthy AND vegetarian since I am still trying to lose that last 15 pounds of baby weight etc. etc.
It really is all a big ole guess all be it an educated one but none the less a big ole guessing game that is played every day, so I guess I will just keep on keeping on and hope my choices are the right ones!
If anyone reading this has any suggestions on how to make a good guess you just let me know :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Too busy yet able to get it all done..?? Why is that?

As you know I am the mother of an almost two year old.  There by that's put me in a group of women that non-moms will never know about.  The non-moms will never know what it is like inside the den of a playgroup or a play date until the become a mom-mom :) So having been a non-mom I now know the inner working of the mommie play date and playgroups...and it has actually proven to not be at all what I though it was! 
For the most part I find it supporting and fun (note I said for the most part) there are those moms that I look at and think "Huh? how does your brain work?? I mean really how do these thoughts come out of your mouth???"  But that is not what this post is about.  This post is about the number one question that I get asked and that is "How do I manage to do it all"  Everyone in the US is busy plain ole busy regardless if you have kids or not.  The moms I hang out with tell me that the most stress they feel is the stress of "no-time" they can not fit in all they need to do for the day into..well.. a day!   I have never been able to figure out an answer to that question.  Am I just lucky? I am just a good time-manager? Am I better organizer then them?  Is it God? :) Is it XYZ...?? why am I not frazzled and ready to run away?? 
I had no clue, I could never say to them "Well if you do this and that you will have more time" because I did not know what I did to make my life run smoothly. I just do it and it works.
I will say that luck has never been part of the equation so we can take that off the table right now! I have had goals in life that had to be accomplished.  I had a plan for my life and I knew what is was (ask me how to get there and I couldn't tell you but I had a plan) I knew I wanted to be married-check-I knew I wanted a college education (yes the marriage came before the education)-check-I wanted a family-check-I wanted to be successful and start my own business-check-and no Organic Monsters is by no means making me a rich business owner just yet-while we are doing well and making money that money is going to pay off the initial debt of starting the business, it will be some time before I see profit in my pocket!
So I have worked at my goals, I have a few left like, having the play I wrote on Broadway and starting my own animal sanctuary but I won't strop trying that is for sure!
So how am I able to cope with the "busy"aspect of motherhood, wife and entrepreneur?  Well I now know the answer and I am able to do it all because I am part of a team and that team is Team Walls.
My husband has been taken for granted for oh most of our 8 year marriage :) but on the almost eve of our 9th wedding anniversary I thought I would share with the world just how much I COULDN'T do without him.
He is my partner in raising our daughter and a partner in helping me to advance my career and business.  He is my partner in household choirs and animal care taking.  He picks up my slack and I pick up his.  We work as a team and when that team doesn't want to play on any particular day the effects are felt, let me tell you!
He drives me nuts almost every other day, we certainly our not a perfect couple NO WAY!  We argue A LOT! and to the outside world it may look "mean" or "uncaring" but it is not.  We are communicating and getting things done but we just do not always have the time to remember to say please or to keep our voice down.
I have a motto in life that also helps me and that is "Do it and get it over with" I can not say "Oh I will do that tomorrow" because tomorrow is already busy! I do whatever I can do now, now and I do not wait until later. My husband likes to wait and he likes to put off (which is where the arguing usually happens) we are vastly different people who think of things in completely different ways...but for what ever reason we make a good team!
Can I do what I do alone-sure I can-but it wouldn't be any fun :)
With Team Walls in action- we both manage to spend time with our daughter,walk the dogs take care of the cat and bunnies, work, start a business, join a preschool co-op, volunteer, have a social life, have time for the two of us and alone time as well.. oh and I did I mention I also am in graduate school!! So without this team that we have perfected over time- I really am not sure I would be able to do all that I do and as fast I do it.  
Unfortunately, having a husband like mine is not necessarily something folks can come by very easily so I still have no words of wisdom for the mom's in my playgroups...and if you are raising a child alone-God Bless You-this is hard work and it surely is easier with help!
All I can say is that the people you surround yourself with are your best allies and who you surround yourself with is your choice.
I am thankful that I chose to marry my husband and to raise a family with him!